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Dr.Gangubai Hangal Gurukul, A residential institution for excellence in Hindustani music has the following vision To be a centre for Excellence in Hindustani Music, to nurture talent in the field of Hindustani Music and identify promising youngsters and train them to be outstanding performers. To impart knowledge and training and to perpetuate the Hindustani Music Parampara through the Gurukul system To preserve great values of Indian Musical heritage by providing superior quality music education.

The mission of Gurukul is to conserve antique Gharana system of Hindustani Music by bringing them under one roof and providing the discipleship of particular Gharana to professional students. The training for selected scholars is bestowed under the tutelage of renowned musicians of India in the system of Guru-Shishya Parampara.

Gurukul System
The traditional Gurukul system has been the basis for the perpetuation and spreading of oral music traditions over the centuries in India. With modernization and rapid changes in the system, The Gurukul system gave away to other forms of teaching and imparting knowledge. In the field of music throughout the country, many institutions and colleges began imparting knowledge in music and offering degrees in music.
However, it is felt that the knowledge of music cannot be confined to a syllabus, classroom teaching and examinations. Imparting of knowledge from the guru to the student can be the basis of imparting quality music knowledge. This Guru-Shishya Parampara is the basis of this modern day Gurukul. The ancient Gurukul system did have its advantages. There was a bond between the teacher and pupil. The students lived with the gurus and imbibed not only knowledge of music but also value systems. The Gangubai Hangal Gurukul is a tribute to this tradition of Gurukul system and also to the legends that have been a product of it over the centuries.